Join Us For The Next
Miss Teen International Pageant

July 24th and 25th , 2025


The Accomplishments
Of Today's
Teens ®

Miss Teen Oklahoma International®

Karley Martin - Top Ten - Congeniality Award

1.If you could make one rule that everyone in the world had to follow, what would it be?
If I could live in anywhere in the world I would choose California. From beaches to mountains, my wanderlust and adventurous personality could be fulfilled as I please. The rich culture, art, and history overflows out of the state. Los Angeles, where musicians found their sound, has an abundance of people who have sacrificed their lives to pursue their passion. The unique, accepting society and enthusiastic drive in the City of the Arts excites me.

2.If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
My family and I went to Sarasota, Florida in 2004. My brother, two years older than my three year old self, made some friends at the beach. They began leaving him out of games and making fun of him. He was crushed, so I walked up to them in my Hello Kitty bathing suit, with my life-jacket strap trailing behind, and yelled, “DON’T MESS WITH MY BUBBA!” Here, my parents discovered I was a firecracker.

3.When do you feel a child or teen becomes an adult?
My goal would be to spread positivity. Being the face of teens would motivate me to make a difference as I would be blessed with the position to be an international role model. This opportunity would open doors to help expand my platform, Messages that Matter. This program focuses on emphasizing and increasing positivity in a world consumed by pessimism. Boundaries and social barriers can be torn down by something as simple as a smile.

4.What do you feel you have learned in life that will be the most useful?
Society writes its own definition according to its visually appealing trends and standards. Physicality being the basis of beauty is overrated and outdated. God created us uniquely, why try to conform ourselves to fit certain ideals? Our culture is encouraging individuality and intellectual beauty. It’s now beautiful to own up to your quirks and passions. Don’t be ashamed of anything. Embrace everything about yourself. Like my dad always says, “Be yourself, everyone else is taken.”

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